
Nalezeno "SVG animation": 18

Responsive Animations for Every Screen Size and Device

Before I career jumped into development, I did a bunch of motion graphics work in After Effects. But even with that background, I still found animating on the web pretty baffling. Video graphics are designed within a specific ratio and … Responsive Animations for Every Screen Size and Device...

Collective #685

CookLang * Next.js 12 * Building an effective Image Component * Flatmap * Obsidian The post Collective #685 appeared first on Codrops

How to Animate a SVG with border-image

Let’s take a look at how to combine the border-image property in CSS with animated SVGs that move around a border. In the process, we’ll cover how to hand-craft resizable, nine-slice animated SVGs that you can use not only re-create the effect, but to make it your own. Here’s what we’re...

Libraries for SVG Drawing Animations

In 2013, Jake Archibald introduced this cool trick of animating an SVG path to look like it’s drawing itself. It’s 2020 now, and the trick is still popular. I’ve seen it on a lot of websites I’ve visited recently. I, too, feature an animated SVG loader on my website using one of the libraries I’ll...

Lessons Learned from Sixty Days of Re-Animating Zombies with Hand-Coded CSS

I’ll be linking to individual Pens as I discuss the lessons I learned, but if you’d like to get a sense of the entire project, check out 60 days of Animation on Undead Institute. I started this project to end on August 1st, 2020, coinciding with the publication of a book I wrote featuring...

How to Get Handwriting Animation With Irregular SVG Strokes

I wanted to do a handwriting animation for calligraphy fonts — the kind where the words animate like they are being written by an invisible pen. Because calligraphy fonts have uneven stroke widths (they actually aren’t even strokes in terms of SVG), it was near impossible to do this sort of thing...

The Making of: Netlify’s Million Devs SVG Animation Site

The following article captures the process of building the Million Developers microsite for Netlify. This project was built by a few folks and we’ve captured some parts of the process of building it here- focusing mainly on the animation aspects, in case any are helpful to others building...

Making lil’ me

Cassie Evans made a lovely illustration of herself and then used Greensock to add a flourish of animations to polish it off. Cassie wrote a series of posts about how she did it: In this post we’ll cover how to get values from the mouse movement and plug them into an animation. This is...

Line-Animated Hamburger Menu

This kind of SVG + CSS animation trickery is catnip to me. Mikael Ainalem shares how to draw a hamburger icon (the “three lines” thing you’re well familiar with), but then animate it in a way that is surprising and fun by controlling the SVG properties in CSS. CodePen Embed...

Use and Reuse Everything in SVG… Even Animations!

If you are familiar with SVG and CSS animations and started to work with them often, here are some ideas you might want to keep in mind before jumping into the job. This article will be about learning how to build and optimize your code with <use> element, CSS Variables and...

Animate Text on Scroll

We covered the idea of animating curved text not long ago when a fun New York Times article came out. All I did was peek into how they did it and extract the relevant parts to a more isolated demo. That demo is here: See the Pen Selfie Crawl by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier) ...

Digging Into the Preview Loading Animation in WordPress

WordPress shipped the Block Editor (aka Gutenberg) back in version 5.0 and with it came a snazzy new post preview screen that shows the WordPress logo drawing itself while the preview loads. That's what you get when saving a post draft and clicking the "Preview" button in the editor. How'd they...

Animating with Clip-Path

clip-path is one of those CSS properties we generally know is there but might not reach for often for whatever reason. It’s a little intimidating in the sense that it feels like math class because it requires working with geometric shapes, each with different values that draw certain shapes...

Animate a Blob of Text with SVG and Text Clipping

I came across this neat little animation in a designer newsletter — unfortunately, I lost track of the source, so please give a shout out if you recognize it! In it, a block of text appears to bleed into view with a swirl of colors, then goes out the same way it came in. It’s a slick effect and...

Creating an Animated Login Form for TouchID

I came across this amazing Dribbble shot by Jakub Reis a while back. It caught my eye and I knew that I just had to try recreating it in code. At that moment, I didn’t know how. I tried out a bunch of different things, and about a year later, I finally managed to make this demo. I learned a couple...

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